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Pain Management Plan

We need to calm down the very sensitive nerve alarm systemand reset it. We can do this by :

  1. Knowledge and Remembering (of oversensitive pain system)

  2. Letting go (of the struggle to decrease pain- drop the anchor you have been carrying around, or drop the tug of war with the pain monster)

  3. Acceptance of pain (it will occur, relax, breath, relax, stop avoiding it)

  4. Leaning in to the situations that you think will cause pain, starting with small doses (desensitization)

  5. Small realistic goals

  6. Increasing Movement (beginning small and slow, but more than before)

  7. Exercise, even if just starting with walking. Work your way through the exercise progressions every day, with realistic goals. Try to walk more and more every day, every week and every month.

  8. Daily Rhythm - making it a point to do all of the above everyday to establish habit

  9. Therapy - Acceptance and Commitment Therapy or Cognitive Behavior Therapy, to build coping skills

  10. ‘Hurt is not harm’ and ‘Sore but safe’ - doing above may increase pain, but there will always be ups and downs in normal recovery. It is not harmful, it is part of the recovery, and “resetting” of alarm systems

  11. Flare Ups - Avoid freaking out about flare ups or giving up

  12. Long process: be patient with yourself, and celebrate the small wins

Therapy : There are many apps that can help with acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) or Cognitive BehavioralTherapy (CBT). Experiment. It may be worthwhile to spend on a paid app. Here is a printable version of it as well. This is hard work and you have to commit to it.

What else can we add or work on? Please let us know in the comments. No need to log in…